


#法属地骚乱已致4死# 环球动态|【外媒】:法属新喀里多尼亚发生骚乱导致多人死亡


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法国探险家拉彼鲁兹伯爵让-弗朗索瓦?德?加洛在他失踪之前,曾于1788年接近主岛(格朗德特尔,Grande Terre)的西岸。洛亚蒂群岛则要待至1796年才首次有人探访。1843年,英国派专员到该岛。1853年,成为法国殖民地,后与塔希提岛合并。1860年,成为独立行政区。1946年,成为法国海外领地。

1947年, 从联合国非自治领土名单删除。1956年,成立第一届领地议会。1976年12月,成立政府委员会,享有部分处理内部事务的自治权。法国委派的总督改为高级专员,新喀在法国国民议会有两名代表,在参议院有一名代表。1979年,法政府解散政府委员会,将新喀置于法国政府的直接统治下。


1988年6月,共和党(保卫喀里多尼亚在共和国内联盟)和卡纳克和社会主义民族解放阵线同法国在巴黎签订《马提尼翁协议》(Accords de Matignon)。根据该协议,一年后新喀实行有限的地方自治;新喀成立北方、南方和洛亚蒂群岛三个自治省,并于1998年举行全民公投来决定新喀是否独立。从1999年7月起,法国逐步把大部分权力交给了新选出的三个省议会。





新喀里多尼亚华人,约1300多人,多归类为其他亚裔,祖先多为来自塔希提及越南的华人,以及来自广东及广西的餐馆业者、小贩及船民, 其中来自塔希提的华人移民约1000多人,多使用法语及客家话,一些祖籍广东的华人移民则使用粤语为主,少部分亦使用普通话。另外,“新喀里多尼亚华人协会”是新喀里多尼亚较具有影响力的华人社团组织,于1973年由原来的“新喀里多尼亚华侨协会”和“新喀里多尼亚中华总会”合并而成,大多数成员为客家人。





Three dead in New Caledonia as riots rage after Paris approves voting change




SYDNEY/PARIS, May 15 (Reuters) - Three people were killed in riots in New Caledonia, an official said, after a move to change voting rules in the French-ruled Pacific island triggered violent unrest in which vehicles were torched and stores looted, residents said on Wednesday.

The three dead were young indigenous Kanak, said a spokesman for New Caledonia's president Louis Mapou, citing information provided by the police. Some residents have armed themselves to protect their homes, a witness said.

Rioting broke out this week before lawmakers in Paris on Tuesday adopted a bill to allow French residents who have lived in New Caledonia for 10 years to vote in provincial elections - a move some local leaders say will dilute the Kanak vote.

"Residents are terrorised, armed and organising themselves to make the rounds tonight and protect their homes," said Lilou Garrido Navarro Kherachi, 19, who drove on Wednesday morning around protestor blockades in the island's capital Noumea.

She heard gunfire and saw burning cars and buildings, including a ruined veterinary clinic where neighbours had evacuated the animals before the fire spread. Shops and schools remained closed on Wednesday.

Police were outnumbered by protestors, she told Reuters.

"The real problem is the youngsters who trash, burn and loot. We didn't see any police deployed on site," she said.

French President Emmanuel Macron and New Caledonia's Louis Mapou called for calm and dialogue. Macron will chair a crisis meeting on Wednesday. Several politicians urged him to declare a state of emergency.

The voting amendment is the latest flashpoint in a decades-long tussle over France's role in the mineral-rich island, which lies in the southwest Pacific, some 1,500 km (930 miles) east of Australia.

France annexed the island in 1853 and gave the colony the status of overseas territory in 1946. It has long been rocked by pro-independence movements.


New Caledonia is the world's No. 3 nickel producer, and residents have been hit by a crisis in the nickel sector, with one in five living under the poverty threshold.

"Politicians have a huge share of responsibility," said 30-year-old Henri, who works in a hotel in Noumea. "Loyalist politicians, who are descendents of colonialists, say colonisation is over, but Kanak politicians don't agree. There are huge economic disparities," he said.

Henri, who declined to give his full name, said there was a lot of looting amid the riots, with the situation most dangerous at night.

French officials said one person had been found shot dead in an industrial zone, with High Commissioner Louis le Franc saying the shot did not come from police but "from someone who was probably defending himself".

The French government said the change in voting rules was needed so elections would be democratic in the country's territory.

Macron has offered to hold dialogue between New Caledonia's pro- and anti-independence camps and the government said he would not rush to call a special congress of the two houses of parliament to rubber-stamp the bill.

The major pro-independence political group, Front de Liberation Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS), which condemned the violence, said it would accept Macron's offer of dialogue and was willing to work toward an agreement "that would allow New Caledonia to follow its path toward emancipation".

Most residents were staying indoors. With stores closed, breastfeeding mothers were organising to share milk with mothers who have none left to feed their babies, said witness Garrido Navarro Kherachi.

She said she moved to New Caledonia when she was eight years old, and has never been back to France. Although eligible to vote under the new rules, she says she won't "out of respect for the Kanak people".

"That would give me the right to vote but I don't feel I know enough about the history of Caledonia and the struggle of the Kanak people to allow me to vote," she said.




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