







2024 Gaokao Send-Off: Warmth in the Rain, Challenges and Wishes Under the New Exam Model

On June 5, 2024, the annual Gaokao send-off event at Maotan Factory High School once again attracted attention. On this special day, thousands of teachers, students, and parents from Maotan Factory High School gathered together to see off the students who are about to take the college entrance examination. Although it was a drizzly day, the rain did not dampen people’s enthusiasm; instead, it made the send-off atmosphere more warm and touching.

At 7 a.m., the send-off motorcade slowly left Maotan Factory High School, with the first bus license plate numbered “91666”, symbolizing smooth progress and success for the examinees. All the vehicles in the motorcade were painted red, symbolizing joy and good fortune. Along the roadsides, many citizens and parents spontaneously stood in the rain, cheering for the examinees, creating a very impressive scene.

This year’s send-off event has special significance because it is the first year that Anhui Province has implemented the new “3 1 2” Gaokao model. Under this new model, there have been significant changes in examination time, subjects, and volunteer filling. The “3” represents the unified Gaokao subjects Chinese, Mathematics, and Foreign Languages, the “1” represents the preferred subject History or Physics, and the “2” represents two subjects chosen from Ideological Politics, Geography, Chemistry, and Biology. The examination duration for each subject also varies, with Chinese lasting 150 minutes, Mathematics and Foreign Languages (including listening) lasting 120 minutes, and the remaining optional subjects lasting 75 minutes.

Under this new Gaokao model, the pressure and challenges faced by the examinees are greater, therefore, maintaining good living habits is particularly important. Adequate sleep can help examinees maintain energy, moderate exercise can relieve stress, and a healthy diet can provide sufficient nutrition for examinees. In addition, maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude is also key to success.

In this special Gaokao season, may all examinees perform at their best and achieve their life ideals. Go, Gaokao!


Multiple-Choice Questions

1. What does the number "91666" on the first bus license plate symbolize?

   A. Smooth progress and success

   B. Good luck and prosperity

   C. Academic excellence

   D. Safe journey

2. Which of the following is NOT a subject in the new “3 1 2” Gaokao model in Anhui Province?

   A. History

   B. Chemistry

   C. Biology

   D. Geography

3. How long does the Mathematics exam last under the new Gaokao model?

   A. 150 minutes

   B. 120 minutes

   C. 75 minutes

   D. 90 minutes


True Or False Questions

1. The send-off event at Maotan Factory High School took place on a sunny day. (True or False)

2. The new “3 1 2” Gaokao model includes Foreign Languages as one of the unified subjects. (True or False)

3. The examination duration for all optional subjects under the new Gaokao model is 120 minutes. (True or False)



1. Volunteer [ˌvɑːl.ʌnˈtɪr] 志愿者

   A person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.

   例句: She volunteers at the local animal shelter every weekend.


   词汇巧记: Think of "volunteer" as someone who "volunteers" (willingly offers) their time and services.

   拓展延伸: Volunteering can be a rewarding way to contribute to the community and develop new skills.

   同义词: Helper, participant, giver

   反义词: Paid worker, recipient

   词汇溯源: From the Old French "volunter," meaning "to wish."

2. Motivation [ˌmoʊ.tɪˈveɪ.ʃən] 动机

   The reason or reasons why someone does something.

   例句 His motivation to succeed comes from his familys expectations.


   词汇巧记: "Motive" comes from "move," so "motivation" is the "reason to move" or take action.

   拓展延伸: Motivation can be intrinsic (internal) or extrinsic (external), and it plays a crucial role in achieving goals.

   同义词: Incentive, drive, impulse

   反义词: Demotivation, reluctance

   词汇溯源: From the Latin "motivus," meaning "causing motion."

3. Dedication [ˌdɛdɪˈkeɪ.ʃən] 奉献

    The quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.

    例句: Her dedication to her work earned her a promotion.


    词汇巧记: "Dedicate" means to "devote" or "set aside," so "dedication" is the act of being devoted.

    拓展延伸: Dedication is often associated with perseverance and the willingness to put in extra effort.

    同义词: Commitment, devotion, loyalty

    反义词: Indifference, laziness

    词汇溯源: From the Latin "dedicatus," meaning "devoted."

4. Accomplishment [əˈkɑːm.plɪʃ.mənt] 成就

    Something successfully completed or achieved, especially by effort, courage, or skill.

    例句: His latest accomplishment is winning the national chess championship.


    词汇巧记: "Accomplish" means to "complete" or "fulfill," so "accomplishment" is the result of that completion.

    拓展延伸: Accomplishments can range from personal achievements to professional successes.

    同义词: Achievement, success, triumph

    反义词: Failure, setback

    词汇溯源: From the Old French "acomplir," meaning "to complete."

5. Perseverance [ˌpɜːr.sɪˈvɪr.əns] 坚持

    Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

    例句: Her perseverance paid off when she finally got the job she wanted.


    词汇巧记: "Persevere" means to "continue" or "persist," so "perseverance" is the quality of continuing despite challenges.

    拓展延伸: Perseverance is often key to overcoming obstacles and reaching goals.

    同义词: Persistence, endurance, tenacity

    反义词: Giving up, quitting

    词汇溯源: From the Latin "perseverare," meaning "to persist."

6. Drizzly [ˈdrɪz.ə.li] 小雨的

   A light, steady rain.

   例句: We had a drizzly day, but it didnt stop us from going out.


   词汇巧记: Think of "drizzle" as similar to "trickle," which is a slow, steady flow.

   拓展延伸: Drizzly weather often brings a sense of calm and can be soothing.

   同义词: Light rain, fine rain, misty rain

   反义词: Downpour, heavy rain, clear weather

   词汇溯源: From the Old English word "drizzen," meaning to rain lightly.

7. Enthusiasm [ɪnˈθu.zi.?z.əm]热情 

   Great excitement for or interest in a subject or activity.

   例句: His enthusiasm for music inspired everyone around him.


   词汇巧记: "Enthusiasm" comes from the Greek word "entheos," meaning "the god within."

   拓展延伸: Enthusiasm can be contagious and often leads to motivation and success.

   同义词: Passion, fervor, zeal

   反义词: Apathy, indifference, boredom

   词汇溯源: From the Greek "enthousiasmos," from "en" (in) and "theos" (god).

8. Significance [sɪgˈnɪf.ɪ.kəns]重要性

   The importance or meaning of something.

   例句: The significance of this event cannot be overstated.


   词汇巧记: Think of "sign" and "ificance" as "sign" (important mark) and "ificant" (worthy), meaning something that is worthy of a sign.

   拓展延伸: Significance can be subjective and vary depending on context and perspective.

   同义词: Importance, meaning, value

   反义词: Insignificance, triviality, unimportance

   词汇溯源: From the Latin "significare," meaning "to indicate."

9. Challenges [ˈtʃ?l.ɪn.dʒɪz] 挑战

   A task or situation that tests someones abilities.

   例句: The new job presented challenges that she was excited to overcome.


   词汇巧记: Think of a "challenge" as a "call" to "engage" in something difficult.

   拓展延伸: Challenges often lead to personal growth and learning.

   同义词: Obstacles, difficulties, trials

   反义词: Ease, simplicity, straightforwardness

   词汇溯源: From the Old French "chalengier," meaning "to accuse, defy."

10. Nutrition [nuˈtrɪʃ.ən] 营养

   The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

   例句: A balanced diet is essential for good nutrition.


   词汇巧记: "Nutri" comes from "nutrient," which is a substance that provides nourishment.

   拓展延伸: Nutrition is not just about eating enough, but also about eating the right kinds of foods.

   同义词: Nourishment, sustenance, alimentation

   反义词: Malnutrition, starvation, fasting

   词汇溯源: From the Latin "nutritio," meaning "a nurturing."




送考活动 Gaokao send-off event

   A ceremonial event where people gather to wish examinees good luck before a major examination, like the college entrance examination in China.

   例句: Every year, the Gaokao send-off event at our school is a big occasion.


   词组巧记: Remember this phrase as "sending off with good wishes for the exam".

   扩展延伸: Similar events occur worldwide before important exams or competitions, symbolizing support and good wishes.

   同义词: Exam send-off, Farewell ceremony for examinees.

   反义词: None specific.

   词组溯源: This phrase originates from the Chinese educational context, focusing on the college entrance examination (Gaokao).

2. 高考模式 Gaokao model

   The format or structure of the college entrance examination, which includes specific subjects and scoring methods.

   例句: The new "3 1 2" Gaokao model has been introduced to give students more choices.

   新的“3 1 2”高考模式已经被引入,以给学生更多的选择。

   词组巧记: Think of this as the "formula" or "pattern" of the Gaokao.

   扩展延伸: Different countries have different models for university entrance exams, reflecting their educational systems and goals.

   同义词: Exam format, Entrance exam structure.

   词组溯源: This term is specific to the Chinese educational system, referring to the national college entrance examination.

3. 加油助威 Cheering for

   To encourage or support someone by shouting or expressing support.

   例句: The crowd cheered for the athletes during the marathon.


   词组巧记: Visualize a group of people shouting "Come on!" to cheer someone on.

   扩展延伸: Cheering can be a powerful motivator in sports, exams, or any challenging situation.

   同义词: Root for, Encourage, Support.

   反义词: Discourage, Jeer.

   词组溯源: This is a universal expression of encouragement, widely used in various contexts.

4. 人生理想 Life ideals

   The goals or aspirations one has for their life.

   例句: Achieving his life ideals required years of hard work and dedication.


   词组巧记: Think of this as the "dreams" or "visions" one has for their future.

   扩展延伸: Life ideals can vary greatly from person to person, influenced by personal values, experiences, and ambitions.

   同义词: Life goals, Aspirations, Dreams.

   词组溯源: This term reflects the concept of personal ambition and the pursuit of happiness, common in many cultures.

5. 发挥出最佳水平 Perform at ones best

   To do something to the best of ones ability.

   例句: She performed at her best in the piano recital.


   词组巧记: Imagine giving the "top performance" or "utmost effort" in a task.

   扩展延伸: This phrase is often used in contexts where maximum effort or skill is required, such as exams, sports, or performances.

   同义词: Give ones all, Do ones utmost, Excel.

   反义词: Underperform, Slack off.

   词组溯源: This expression is widely used in various fields to describe achieving the highest level of performance.

6. 毛坦厂中学 Maotan Factory High School

   A well-known high school in Luan, Anhui Province, China, renowned for its academic excellence and high Gaokao success rates.

   例句: Maotan Factory High School is famous for its rigorous academic environment.


   词组巧记: Link "Maotan" with "high academic standards" and "Factory" with "producing successful students".

   扩展延伸: The school is often seen as a symbol of the intense pressure and high expectations in the Chinese education system.

   同义词: Elite school, Prestigious academy.

   词组溯源: The name "Maotan Factory" reflects the schools history and location, originally part of a factory complex that was transformed into a school.

7. 高考 Gaokao

   The National College Entrance Examination in China, a standardized test taken by students to gain entrance into universities.

   例句: The Gaokao is considered one of the most important exams in a students life.


   词组巧记: Remember "Gao" as "high" and "Kao" as "exam", indicating a high-stakes examination.

   扩展延伸: The Gaokao not only tests academic knowledge but also psychological resilience and time management skills.

   同义词: College entrance exam, University entrance examination.

   词组溯源: The term "Gaokao" combines "Gao" (high) and "Kao" (exam), emphasizing the importance and level of difficulty of the exam.

8. 新高考模式 "3 1 2" Gaokao model

   A new format for the college entrance examination in China, allowing students to choose certain subjects from specified categories.

   例句: The "3 1 2" Gaokao model gives students more flexibility in their subject choices.

   “3 1 2”高考模式让学生在科目选择上有更多的灵活性。

   词组巧记: Think of it as a mathematical formula "3 plus 1 plus 2", representing the combination of subjects.

   扩展延伸: This model aims to reduce the emphasis on rote memorization and encourage more personalized learning.

   同义词: New examination format, Revised Gaokao system.

   反义词: Traditional Gaokao model, Old examination system.

   词组溯源: Introduced as a reform to the previous Gaokao system, adapting to modern educational needs and student diversity.

9. 雨中 In the rain An action or event happening while it is raining.

   例句: Many people stood in the rain to watch the parade.


   词组巧记: Visualize people doing something outdoors while rain is falling.

   扩展延伸: This phrase often adds a sense of dedication or perseverance to the activity being described.

   同义词: Under the rain, Amidst the rain.

   反义词: In the sunshine, On a sunny day.

   词组溯源: This is a common phrase used in various contexts to describe an event or action occurring during rainfall.

10. 此外 In addition 

   To add something to what has already been said or mentioned.

   例句: In addition to being a teacher, she is also a writer.


   词组巧记: Think of it as "adding" to what youve already said.

   扩展延伸: This phrase is often used to provide additional information or to introduce a new idea related to the topic being discussed.

   同义词: Also, Moreover, Furthermore.

   词组溯源: This phrase is widely used in English for its clarity and simplicity in conveying additional information.


2024 Gaokao Send-Off: Warmth in the Rain, Challenges and Wishes Under the New Exam Model


On June 5, 2024, the annual Gaokao send-off event at Maotan Factory High School once again attracted attention. On this special day, thousands of teachers, students, and parents from Maotan Factory High School gathered together to see off the students who are about to take the college entrance examination. Although it was a drizzly day, the rain did not dampen people’s enthusiasm; instead, it made the send-off atmosphere more warm and touching.


At 7 a.m., the send-off motorcade slowly left Maotan Factory High School, with the first bus license plate numbered “91666”, symbolizing smooth progress and success for the examinees. All the vehicles in the motorcade were painted red, symbolizing joy and good fortune. Along the roadsides, many citizens and parents spontaneously stood in the rain, cheering for the examinees, creating a very impressive scene.


This year’s send-off event has special significance because it is the first year that Anhui Province has implemented the new “3 1 2” Gaokao model. Under this new model, there have been significant changes in examination time, subjects, and volunteer filling. The “3” represents the unified Gaokao subjects Chinese, Mathematics, and Foreign Languages, the “1” represents the preferred subject History or Physics, and the “2” represents two subjects chosen from Ideological Politics, Geography, Chemistry, and Biology. The examination duration for each subject also varies, with Chinese lasting 150 minutes, Mathematics and Foreign Languages (including listening) lasting 120分钟, and the remaining optional subjects lasting 75 minutes.

今年的送考活动有其特殊的意义,因为是我国安徽省实施“3 1 2”高考新模式的第一年。这种新模式下,考试时间、科目以及志愿填报等方面都发生了较大的变化。其中,“3”代表统一高考科目语文、数学和外语,“1”代表首选科目历史或物理,“2”代表再选科目思想政治、地理、化学和生物学中的两科。各科考试时长也有所不同,语文考试时长为150分钟,数学和外语(含听力)考试时长为120分钟,其余选考科目考试时长均为75分钟。

Under this new Gaokao model, the pressure and challenges faced by the examinees are greater, therefore, maintaining good living habits is particularly important. Adequate sleep can help examinees maintain energy, moderate exercise can relieve stress, and a healthy diet can provide sufficient nutrition for examinees. In addition, maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude is also key to success.


In this special Gaokao season, may all examinees perform at their best and achieve their life ideals. Go, Gaokao!





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